Saturday 25 January 2014

Sea-dom & free-dom

Today is beautiful. The sky is an azure blue and the sun is sparkling upon my skin making me feel warm and safe. I am walking to a deserted beach as a lone crow flies overhead squawking.Through the she oak trees I watch a yacht floating and bobbing upon the aquamarine ocean. The tide is low exposing the reef that runs along sea cliffs as old as time. I feel happy and content as I skip over granite boulders towards the sand. The sea shimmers under the sunshine, with shades of blue entwined with green and back to blue as the ocean drops toward the horizon. 

I am on an island that is my home. I have been here many times and many times I have left. Every time I return I never cease to see and feel the beauty of nature spirit that surrounds me. It is everywhere, flowing like a river in my veins. In places like this, I feel it more and more, and the quieter my mind becomes and the more still my body becomes, I respond. I surrender to the sea, the sun, the sky and the earth. 

Home I am. I am home.

Ej xxx