Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Following your heart and passion

It has been almost 2 years since I gave up full time work to follow my heart and continue to live the gypsy lifestyle, which so often throughout my life has called me. When I feel this calling I always respond with enthusiasm to embrace the change and the adventure, because I know the freedom of this lifestyle makes my heart sing with JOY always. For me, this lifestyle is challenging and diverse but also offers me comfort, because of its TRUTH.

'Work' has never been a really strong point for me. Sure I'm hardworking, reliable, punctual and consistent when I am there, but its making that commitment to be there for long periods of time that I struggle with.

 I love meeting people on a daily basis and being a retailer in my previous positions I always enjoyed being around people and making them happy by delivering a service to them, but, I also felt that I was 'trapped' indoors and I felt that pull of something 'more' where I could really connect with people through my PASSION and share my love of being positive and happy, sense of community, the sunshine, the sea, surfing and being 'free'.


I realised that house and petsitting could offer me a part of this, the part where I can meet people by living in communities for a short period of time and come in as a stranger, share stories, listen to stories, make friends and hopefully leave a positive vibe in my wake but also continue being free. But I did realise at the same time that this couldn't make me money, as it is simply an exchange of sharing for both the house and pet sitter and the home owner. 

After almost 2 years of not working and living very simply I made the decision to go back to working, but with this, I decided that I needed to incorporate my passions along with my skills. 

I have decided to become a surf coach! 

When I first made the decision I was absolutely stoked and made the necessary arrangements to do the paperwork to complete Level 1 Surf Coach Accreditation along with Apply First Aid and either Bronze Medallion or OSSRC (Ocean Surf Safety Rescue Certificate). Sounds easy for a chick who has surfed constantly for the past year or so right?

Think again! 

For a woman who values BALANCE in life extremely highly this has been extremely challenging both physically and emotionally, mainly emotionally through sheer physical exhaustion. By pushing myself physically too hard I came to a point last week where I wanted to give up. I was in between a rock and a hard place. What to do?

Sit with it, meditate and breathe, listen to my heart. 

My heart is telling me that being a surf coach is something that is calling me in this moment. All I needed to do was to go lighter on the training.

ENJOY being in the water at the pool swimming laps in the sunshine, ENJOY the feeling of knowing that I will be sharing my passion with others and to just go with it. 

So that is precisely what I did. This week I have spent 3 days with a surf school on the mid north coast of NSW being in the water with adults and children who are learning to surf. Part of my Surf Coach Accreditation is to do the voluntary 20 hours. I am so HAPPY and GLAD that I focused on what is really important here, not the fitness and being able to swim 500 metres in the pool in under 10 minutes but sharing my absolute love of the ocean and surfing with others who want to share in it too. This week there has been so many smiles, so many high fives, so many laughs, hugs, joy and so much GRATITUDE from children, parents and adults. I feel so very blessed to have followed my HEART and SOUL and to the universe for putting me here in this moment so that I am able to SHARE, LEARN and GROW from this! 

Life is short, we must do what we LOVE. 

We must SHARE the beauty of NATURE and the positive experiences that nature gives to us. 

We must follow our TRUTH that we feel (gut instincts) and create a positive community this way through sharing positive experiences that we know others can benefit from. 

I hope that by sharing my love of the sea and surfing that others can experience the bliss and beauty that I have every day.

Bless - Ej xxx

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